Assignment No. 19: Tip an EXTRA 5%.

OCT 1-31…Tip an EXTRA 5%. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Unless I receive absolutely inexcusable service, I’d consider myself a decent tipper. Restaurant servers receive 15 or 20%. The woman who cuts my hair receives 10%. I rarely tip the unseen hotel maid – but am not feeling too good about that as I write this. Taxi drivers receive 10 or 15% or I simply have them “keep the change.” Valets, bellhops and shuttle drivers receive at least $2 per service. All of these people are on the feet all day long and deserve their wages and then some. This assignment will be an experiment in generosity as I tack on an extra 5% to the amount I already tip. That means wait service will be at 20 or 25% and Peggy who cuts what’s left of my hair will receive 15%. For others, I’ll just plan on holding what I have with a loose grip.

1 thought on “Assignment No. 19: Tip an EXTRA 5%.

  1. This is a great one! So many service employees hold down several jobs to eak out a living. Tips really boost their spirits.

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